Make an Appointment: (203) 929-1117 |

Rebekah DeMieri

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Bekah has extensive experience supporting and working alongside children, adolescents, and adults with ADHD, autism, and developmental disabilities and their families. She is also passionate about supporting caregivers in their parenting journey and working with women experiencing difficulties related to reproductive challenges and postpartum anxiety and depression and the complexities of motherhood. In addition to practicing as an LMSW, Bekah is a board-certified music therapist with over 16 years of experience. 

Bekah’s work centers trauma-informed and neurodiversity affirming care as well as the lived experience of each individual. Her approach is compassionate, curious, authentic, and affirming. She hopes to create a safe, secure space utilizing a person-centered approach that allows you the freedom to express yourself so that you can obtain their goals. It would be an honor to walk alongside you on your unique journey to find your authentic self.